
The Concluding Prayers

Understanding Prayer

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The Concluding Prayers: Understanding Prayer

An exploration of the concluding prayers following the Amidah, helping us bring the inspiration from prayer into all areas of our lives. The prayers of Confession and Supplication, Ashrei and Uva L’tziyon, the Song of the Day, Ein Keilokeinu and Aleinu.
Song of the Day, Aleinu, Tachanun, Prayer

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Tzipporah Jael Vannorman Milford November 26, 2017

This was a wonderful presentation, and I appreciate your insights. However, your explanation of the verses "do not fear sudden terror..." was surely lacking. HaShem gives us the means to fight the enemies of Jews, yet we have been sheep waiting for the sheepdog to save us. If it were otherwise, our ancestors would not have been slaughtered by the christian idol-worshipers during the Crusades, "The Other 1492", the Holocaust, and the Intifadas, among many other rampages against us over the last several thousand years. We cannot think that HaShem will, Himself, swoop down from HaShamayim and destroy our enemies without working through us. We need to take up arms and defend ourselves against evil. Remember what it says in the Talmud. And, I paraphrase. "He who comes to kill you, rise up early and kill him first". It is then HaShem will show He is with us. Reply

Gary Europe January 13, 2016

Excellent! Wonderful presentation! Hoping there's a sequel. Reply

Summer Epstein Talent August 23, 2015

I have listened to so many lectures on my path toward a relationship with Judaism. You have put the Tehillat together perfectly with order and simplicity. Thank you Reply

Herzl Z. tampa florida November 10, 2014

Excellent Series for understanding the morning Davening !!!! This was a great series! You have provided so much wealth of knowledge to me.
Toda Raba... Reply

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