
Judaism Essentials Video

What Is Judaism?
Video | 7:55
What Is Judaism?
Want to know what Judaism is? Start with this fun video.
G-d, Torah, and the Jews
Video | 1:17:41
G-d, Torah, and the Jews
Jewish Essentials - Part 1
What does it mean to be a Jew? Join us as we explore the fundamentals of Judaism and our role in the world. This class is the first of a six-part lecture series titled ‘The Essentials,’ which introduces the foundations of Jewish life and living.
The Jewish Rice Farmer
A day in Sakon Nakhon, Thailand
The story of how a nice Jewish boy from Kansas ends up as a rice farmer in Thailand who celebrates his heritage
The All-or-Nothing Fallacy
As in so many areas of life a step-by-step process is necessary to move forward, so too in Judaism we advance one mitzvah at a time.
Fundamental Ideas Lost from Mainstream Judaism
Oftentimes, taking on more religious actions and worrying about reward and punishment fill the contemporary Jewish rhetoric. But there are fundamentals that run deeper and embolden our unique personal value, self-development, and loving bond with G-d. In this talk, we will explore some fundamental Jewish ideas upon which all of Judaism is built.
Six Questions You Always Wanted to Ask About Judaism
Does faith ever make you uncomfortable? Rabbi Manis Friedman tackles all this head-on and addresses the fundamental beliefs and ideas of Judaism.
What Does It Mean to Be a Jew?
A higher perspective on the Jew’s purpose in the world through Torah and how to master our destiny.
What's the Most Important Day of Your Life?
Deed vs. creed. Action is what matters.
Forget About Being a Good Jew
Why I Like Being Jewish
Being Jewish is fun in so many ways. Why do you like being Jewish?
Jewish Nationalism
An excerpt from a recently discovered 1969 recording of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon describing his second private audience with the Rebbe.
Matters of Faith
Video | 4:54
Matters of Faith
Yosef Shandling reconnected to his Jewish roots as a senior in college. In 1970, as a student in Yeshiva Hadar Hatorah in Brooklyn, New York, he had an audience with the Rebbe.
Sinai Is Our Own Experience
Something Spiritual on Parshat Bamidbar
Unlike the beginnings of other religions, the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai was experience by an entire people.
Religion, Culture and Identity in Jewish America
Demographic Studies Show that Religion is Key to Jewish Identity
While some have debated the primacy of religion, culture, ethnicity and other factors in forging a strong Jewish identity, Professor Chaim Waxman conclusively demonstrates that Jewish identity in America is stronger, more vibrant and more durable amongst those who practice traditional Judaism.
A Flat Tire and Revelation at Sinai
If three teens can’t get a simple fib straight, how would an entire nation get fooled into believing something not true?
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