
Talmudic Concepts with Rabbi Binyomin Bitton

Explore Select Discussions of the Talmud

Join the Talmud’s discussion as we explore and debate various selected texts from the vast sea of the Talmud, and gain insight and appreciation of its rich knowledge. This series will help enhance your skills in Talmudic analysis and reasoning, whilst providing a window into the style and language of the Talmud, also known as the Gemara. These courses are taught by Rabbi Binyomin Bitton, an expert Talmudic scholar, who masterfully presents the Talmud’s profound wisdom in a clear, easy to follow, and intellectually stimulating manner.

Liability for Damages
Discovering Talmudic Principles
Join the Talmud’s discussion as we explore and debate the subject of liability for damages and personal injury. This series will help enhance your skills in Talmudic analysis and reasoning, whilst providing a window into the style and language of the Talmud, which is also known as the Gemara. (From the third chapter of tractate Bava-Kama)
The Psychology of Trust
Discovering Talmudic Principles
This Talmud course will explore and analyze the logical arguments and the court procedures for authenticating testimony and establishing trust in witnesses. More specifically, an in-depth analysis of the logic behind two Talmudic principles that validate a claim: ‘Hapeh She’assar’ and ‘Migo’, which are discussed in the second chapter of tractate Ketubot.
Privacy Rights
Discovering Talmudic Principles
This Talmud course will be exploring and analyzing the first chapter of tractate Bava Batra, which focuses on the rights of privacy, the types of properties protected by privacy laws, the duties and requirements of neighbors, and the court procedures for adjudicating them.
Retroactive Disqualification
Discovering Talmudic Principles
This Talmud course will be exploring and analyzing the third chapter of tractate Sanhedrin, which focuses on the principles and ramifications of the collusive witnesses (“eidim zomemim”), and the Talmudic debate on retroactive law.
Lost and Found
Discovering Talmudic Principles
This Talmud course will be exploring and analyzing the second chapter of tractate Bava Metzia, which focuses on the obligation to return a lost object to its owner, the principles of ownership, and the Talmudic debate on “Yi’ush”.
Talmudic Cloning
Discovering Talmudic Principles
This Talmud course will be exploring and analyzing the second chapter of tractate Kiddushin, which focuses on the principles of the “agent” and the Talmudic debate on ‘Shlichut’.
Talmudic Tales
Unlocking the mysteries of the Talmud
This Talmud course will take you on a journey through the mysteries of the Talmud known as Aggadata or Aggadah. Alongside extraordinary Talmudic sages, you will discover fascinating tales, their hidden meaning and profound life messages.
Money Matters
Discovering Talmudic Principles
This Talmud course will be exploring and analyzing the fifth chapter of tractate Bava Kama, which focuses – among other subjects – on fundamental principles related to monetary litigations and the court procedures for adjudicating them.
Loans and Debts
Discovering Talmudic Principles
This Talmud course will be exploring and analyzing the tenth chapter of tractate Bava Batra, which focuses on the principles of ‘Shibud’, loans and debts collections, and the court procedures for adjudicating them.
Loan Amnesty
Discovering Talmudic Principles
This Talmud course will be exploring and analyzing the fourth chapter of tractate Gitin, focusing on the principles of the Shemitah year, cancelations of debts and the procedure of the Pruzbul.
Harbinger of Redemption
Discovering Talmudic Principles
This Talmud course will be exploring and analyzing the fourth chapter of tractate Eiruvin, focusing on the legal challenges concerning the arrival of Elijah the Prophet as the harbinger of redemption, as well as a fascinating discovery of his itinerary.
Monetary Litigations
Discovering Talmudic Principles
This Talmud course will be exploring and analyzing the first chapter of tractate Bava Metziah, which focuses on fundamental principles related to monetary litigations and the court procedures for adjudicating them.
Mysterious Tales
The Hidden Codes of the Talmud
This Talmud course will take you on a journey through the mysteries of the Talmud known as “Agadeta”. Alongside Rabba Bar Bar Chana and other sages, you will discover three fascinating tales, their hidden meaning and life messages.
Behind the Gift
Talmudic Principles on Mishloach Manot
This two-part Talmud series will be exploring and analyzing the first chapter of tractate Megilah, focusing on the mitzvah of Mishloach Manot, its guidelines, ramifications and principles. Just in time for Purim!
The Great Search
Discovering Talmudic Principles
This three-part Talmud series will be exploring and analyzing the first chapter of tractate Pesachim, focusing on the mitzvah of searching and disposing of all chametz on the eve of Pesach— leading to the discovery of three fundamental principles related to speech, rent and mitzvah performance. Just in time for Pesach!
DIY (Do It Yourself)
Discovering Talmudic Principles
This Talmud course will be exploring and analyzing the second chapter of tractate Kidushin and the sixteenth chapter of tractate Shabbat, which focus on fundamental principles related to the requirements and benefits of personal involvement in the performance of a Mitzvah.
Bon Appétit
Discovering Talmudic Principles
This four-part Talmud series will be exploring and analyzing the sixth chapter of tractate Berachot, focusing on the principles related to the recitation of blessings before and after the consumption of food.
A Tale of Two Challahs
Discovering Talmudic Principles
This three-part Talmud series will explore the sixteenth chapter of tractate Shabbat, focusing on principles related to the bread for the Shabbat meals. In particular, we discover the origins of the Challah and the mitzvah of the ‘Two Loaves of Bread’ on Shabbat. Who knew how much wisdom there is behind the Shabbat Challah!
Cooking Made Simple
Discovering Talmudic Principles
This five-part Talmud series will be exploring and analyzing the second chapter of tractate Beitzah and the third chapter of tractate Pesachim, focusing on the mechanism of the ‘Eruv Tavshilin’—a Rabbinic legal procedure allowing one to cook on the Holiday for the upcoming Shabbat.
Measuring the ‘Half’
Discovering Talmudic Principles
This three-part Talmud series will be exploring and analyzing the eighth chapter of tractate Yoma, focusing on the principles of ‘chatzi-shiur’ (half measure)—namely, the halachic status of prohibitions performed with less than the quantity normally required by law. A fascinating debate originating from the Talmudic discussion on Yom Kippur.
Tales of Light
The Talmud on Chanukah
This three-part Talmud series will be exploring the second chapter of tractate Shabbat, analyzing the nature of the miracle of the “jug of oil” and the Talmudic debate on the precise amount of candles required to be lit each of the eight days of Chanukah.
Theft and Robbery
Discovering Talmudic Principles
This five-part Talmud series will be exploring and analyzing the seventh chapter of tractate Bava Kama, which focuses on the principles related to theft and robbery, and the logic behind the various levels of penalties. You be the judge!
Real Estate Property
Discovering Talmudic Principles
This three-part Talmud series will present a Talmudic perspective on real estate, ownership, trust and proof—as discussed in the third chapter of tractate Bava Batra.
Discovering Talmudic Principles
This Talmud course is an in-depth analysis of 'Migo', a Talmudic principle often used by the court to give a claimant the right to validate a claim—as discussed in the third chapter of tractate Bava Batra.
The Acquisition Process
Discovering Talmudic Principles
This Talmud course is an in-depth analysis of the various methods of acquisition used for real-estate property—as discussed in the third chapter of tractate Bava Batra.
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