Theft and Robbery
Discovering Talmudic Principles
Video | 56:04
The Talmud on Theft and Robbery, Lesson 1
Discover the Torah’s principles and parameters behind the prohibition related to theft and robbery. We learn two differing perspectives for defining the prohibition of stealing, providing new depth to understanding the precept.
Video | 1:11:18
The Talmud on Theft and Robbery, Lesson 2
In this Talmud class we are introduced to the principles for when a penalty is incurred for theft, and the varying types of penalization—namely the twofold, fourfold, and fivefold payments.
Video | 1:10:29
The Talmud on Theft and Robbery, Lesson 3
In this Talmud class we delve into the underlying reasoning behind the varying types of penalization—concentrating on the fourfold, and fivefold payments, and thereby discover new layers in committing theft.
Video | 1:20:04
The Talmud on Theft and Robbery, Lesson 4
In this Talmud class we take a closer look into the application of the different types of penalization for theft, and discover the great depth encoded in the precise wording in the Talmud.
Video | 1:17:55
The Talmud on Theft and Robbery, Lesson 5
In this Talmud class we probe deeper into the application of the different types of penalization for theft, and also explore an interesting scenario where a change occurred to the stolen item, thereby altering its value.
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- Bava Kama (12)
- Theft, Stealing (53)
- Talmud (977)