
Behind the Gift

Talmudic Principles on Mishloach Manot

This two-part Talmud series will be exploring and analyzing the first chapter of tractate Megilah, focusing on the mitzvah of Mishloach Manot, its guidelines, ramifications and principles. Just in time for Purim!

Project 'Gifts'
Video | 1:11:09
Project 'Gifts'
The Talmud on Mishloach Manot
One of the beautiful mitzvahs on Purim is to give food gifts to a friend. Upon analyzing the Talmud’s discussion, we probe the different reasons to this observance, which will determine how we define the parameters of the mitzvah.
Purim Gifts: Suspicion Eliminated
The Talmud on Mishloach Manot
One of the beautiful mitzvahs on Purim is to give food gifts to a friend. In this class we explore three reasons posited for the mitzvah of Mishloach Manot and their logical conclusions.
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