
DIY (Do It Yourself)

Discovering Talmudic Principles

This Talmud course will be exploring and analyzing the second chapter of tractate Kidushin and the sixteenth chapter of tractate Shabbat, which focus on fundamental principles related to the requirements and benefits of personal involvement in the performance of a Mitzvah.

Personal Touch
Video | 51:27
Personal Touch
Must you attend your own wedding?
Explore the underlying principle related to the advantage of personal involvement in the performance of a Mitzvah.
Rabbis in the Kitchen
Video | 1:02:16
Rabbis in the Kitchen
Meet the Expert Chefs of the Talmud
The Talmud illustrates the principle of personal involvement is preferred in the performance of a Mitzvah with examples of Talmudic Sages personally preparing for Shabbat. Now, we’ll examine in what situations this principle may not apply.
Honor and Delight of Shabbat
Fascinating Principles in Talmudic Analysis
The Talmud offers two examples to highlight the principle that personal involvement is preferred in the performance of a Mitzvah. In this class we discover the fascinating depth the Talmud conveys by specifically referencing these two citations to support this principle.
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