Ask Not What G-d Can Do For You…
Purim, 5721 · March 2, 1961
Ask Not What G-d Can Do For You…: Purim, 5721 · March 2, 1961Torah teaches that the whole world was created for the sake of the Jewish People’s service
of G-d. President Kennedy’s recent establishment of the US Peace Corps serves as a reminder
of a similar call that has been made here…
Ask Not What G-d Can Do For You…
Purim, 5721 · March 2, 1961
Disc 61, Program 242
Event Date: 14 Adar 5721 - March 02, 1961
Torah teaches that the whole world was created for the sake of the Jewish People’s service of G-d. President Kennedy’s recent establishment of the US Peace Corps serves as a reminder of a similar call that has been made here… For years now, I have been saying over and over: Don't convince yourself that you can live off the “fat of the land” and serve G-d in comfort here... Listen! There are spiritually “desolate lands” where fellow Jews are wallowing in spiritual poverty. The Mitzva to love your fellow Jew applies even to someone on the other side of the globe whom you have never met. Torah demands that you love him exactly as you love yourself! So give up your own comforts and devote yourself to helping your fellow Jew who is in need. And with your love of G-d and your love of a fellow Jew, combined with love of Torah and Mitzvos, we will end the exile which was brought about by unfounded hatred, and bring the Redemption through unbounded love. |
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