
Make Like a Tree, and Grow!

13 Shevat 5749 · January 19, 1989

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Make Like a Tree, and Grow!: 13 Shevat 5749 · January 19, 1989

“Man is a tree of the field.” The Sages of the Talmud apply this verse to the Jew. Torah is the core of a Jew’s being, and Torah must effect his actions so that he bears good fruits — good deeds. But when we say that a Jew must be “fruitful,” first and foremost he must reproduce his own essence.
Shelichut, Lubavitcher Rebbe
Make Like a Tree, and Grow!
13 Shevat 5749 · January 19, 1989
Disc 55, Program 220

Event Date: 13 Shevat 5749 - January 19, 1989

“Man is a tree of the field.” The Sages of the Talmud apply this verse to the Jew. Torah is the core of a Jew’s being, and Torah must effect his actions so that he bears good fruits — good deeds. But when we say that a Jew must be “fruitful,” first and foremost he must reproduce his own essence.

Every Jew is G-d’s emissary to make this world a dwelling place for Him. If this applies to every Jew, how much more so, then, to those who are officially appointed Shluchim. Therefore, each appointed Shliach must create fruit, which, in turn, will create its own fruit. This means appointing new Shuchim, who will one day appoint new Shluchim on their own...

This is the true definition of “fruitfulness” — to bear fruit, which bear fruit, which bear fruit... until all spiritual darkness is ended, and G-d’s presence is finally revealed.

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