
"I have Come to My Garden" - Part 1

10 Shevat, 5746 · January 20, 1986

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"I have Come to My Garden" - Part 1: 10 Shevat, 5746 · January 20, 1986

The Chassidic discourse entitled "Bosi L'Gani" opens with a quote from Song of Songs, where G-d exclaims: "I have come to My garden…" G-d's Divine Essence originally dwelled in our world. But a series of unfortunate events caused a decline in the world's spiritual state. It was through the righteous deeds of Abraham and his descendants, that G-d’s Divine Presence was finally restored to this world.
Maamar Basi LeGani, Lubavitcher Rebbe
"I have Come to My Garden" - Part 1
10 Shevat, 5746 · January 20, 1986
Disc 44, Program 174

Event Date: 10 Shevat 5746 - January 20, 1986

The Chassidic discourse entitled "Bosi L'Gani" opens with a quote from Song of Songs, where G-d exclaims: "I have come to My garden…" G-d's Divine Essence originally dwelled in our world. But a series of unfortunate events caused a decline in the world's spiritual state. It was through the righteous deeds of Abraham and his descendants, that G-d’s Divine Presence was finally restored to this world.

Although subsequent events concealed His Presence once again, we have the ability to reveal G-d's essence in creation today. Every morning we recite the blessing: "Blessed are You, Lord… Giver of the Torah;" the commentaries point out that "Giver" is present tense, for at every single moment G-d constantly gives us the Torah anew. It is clearly within the reach of every man and woman to again restore the world to its original state of purity.

Living Torah

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