
When You Least Expect It

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When You Least Expect It

After being elevated to second in command of Egypt, Joseph saved the entire region by storing grain during the seven years of plenty, in preparation for the seven years of famine. The Talmud records that the wealth Joseph accumulated for Pharaoh from the sale of that grain filled three treasure houses, bolstering Egypt’s position as a world superpower.
Lubavitcher Rebbe
When You Least Expect It
Disc 112, Program 446

Event Date: 10 Shevat 5746 - January 20, 1986

After being elevated to second in command of Egypt, Joseph saved the entire region by storing grain during the seven years of plenty, in preparation for the seven years of famine. The Talmud records that the wealth Joseph accumulated for Pharaoh from the sale of that grain filled three treasure houses, bolstering Egypt’s position as a world superpower.

Two centuries later, this power was invested back into the Jewish people, when Pharaoh not only freed them from slavery, but opened Egypt’s coffers and gave of its manpower to help expedite their exodus.

The lesson: Despite the fact that Jews have been in exile for so long, persecuted throughout history, when G-d’s salvation arrives, it comes “in the blink of an eye,” and the non-Jewish nations themselves will be its greatest impetus — until ultimately “the entire world will serve G-d as one.”

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