
Atomic Goodness

10 Shevat, 5746 • January 20, 1986

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Atomic Goodness: 10 Shevat, 5746 • January 20, 1986

It has recently been discovered how the most minute quantity of matter, an atom, can unleash the most immense power in nature. Although it can be used for destructive purposes, atomic energy can be harnessed for the good. By simply pressing a button, one can achieve immediate positive transformation across the globe.
Atomic Energy, Lubavitcher Rebbe
Atomic Goodness
10 Shevat, 5746 • January 20, 1986
Disc 19, Program 74

Event Date: 10 Shevat 5746 - January 20, 1986

It has recently been discovered how the most minute quantity of matter, an atom, can unleash the most immense power in nature. Although it can be used for destructive purposes, atomic energy can be harnessed for the good. By simply pressing a button, one can achieve immediate positive transformation across the globe.

The one who presses the button need not understand how his simple action will reach the other end of the world; he must simply press the right button at the right time, and do it properly. This principle was established at the giving of the Torah when the Jewish people proclaimed: We will do and only then will we seek to understand. When G-d brings one to the right “button,” at the right “time,” and tells him how to “press” it, then whether one understands how or not, he brings salvation and deliverance to the entire world.

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