Tzomah L'cha Nafshi
10 Shevat, 5740 · January 28, 1980
Living Torah
Tzomah L'cha Nafshi: 10 Shevat, 5740 · January 28, 1980"My soul thirsts for You, my flesh longs for You; as one in a desolate and dry land without
water, so I thirst to behold You in the Sanctuary, to behold Your might and glory." (Psalms
63:2, 3). This song was first taught by the Rebbe on 28 Nissan, 5714 - 1954.
Tzomah L'cha Nafshi
10 Shevat, 5740 · January 28, 1980
Disc 44, Program 174
Event Date: 10 Shevat 5740 - January 28, 1980
Living Torah
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