A Direct Connection
Living Torah
A Direct ConnectionG-d’s presence didn’t rest in the Tabernacle until they offered atonement for the Golden Calf. Now, the Golden Calf didn’t deny G-d’s existence; it merely rejected the idea that a person could relate to G-d directly.
A Direct Connection
Disc 190, Program 759
Event Date: 14 Adar II 5717 - March 17, 1957
G-d’s presence didn’t rest in the Tabernacle until they offered atonement for the Golden Calf. Now, the Golden Calf didn’t deny G-d’s existence; it merely rejected the idea that a person could relate to G-d directly. Similarly, if one is immersed in worldly matters and disconnected from G-d, he rejects the belief that G-d is served in everything. If one believes that he can serve G-d in prayer, Torah study, or fulfilling a commandment, but then sits down to eat or engage in business dealings without thinking about G-d, he may be a complete Tabernacle, but he’s missing the fire from Heaven. Conversely, by recognizing G-d in all you do, G-d’s presence rests upon you – wherever you are and at every moment. |
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