Brick and Mortar
Living Torah
Brick and MortarTorah relates that the Egyptian exile involved hard labor of “chomer u’leveinim – mortar and brick.” Of the current exile, however, Torah explains that the refinement of “chomer – mortar” is acquired through “kal vachomer – in-depth Torah study,” and the refinement of “leveina– brick,” through “libun hilchisa – clarification of Jewish law."
Brick and Mortar
Disc 187, Program 748
Event Date: 6 Tishrei 5741 - September 16, 1980
Torah relates that the Egyptian exile involved hard labor of “chomer u’leveinim – mortar and brick.” Of the current exile, however, Torah explains that the refinement of “chomer – mortar” is acquired through “kal vachomer – in-depth Torah study,” and the refinement of “leveina– brick,” through “libun hilchisa – clarification of Jewish law.” This explains why great Torah scholars through the ages toiled in Torah study with superhuman intensity. Far from “enslaving” the Jew, such toil in Torah is what actually sets him free from the exile. |
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