
Good Times, Bad Times

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Good Times, Bad Times

The lives and challenges of our forefather Isaac and his grandson Joseph were very different. Isaac lived out his entire life in the Land of Israel amidst physical prosperity. Joseph spent most of his life in Egypt where he was sold into slavery and ultimately became a powerful ruler.
Lubavitcher Rebbe
Good Times, Bad Times
Disc 121, Program 483

Event Date: 6 Tishrei 5741 - September 16, 1980

The lives and challenges of our forefather Isaac and his grandson Joseph were very different. Isaac lived out his entire life in the Land of Israel amidst physical prosperity. Joseph spent most of his life in Egypt where he was sold into slavery and ultimately became a powerful ruler.

Within the life of every individual there are times when he feels like Isaac, finding himself in wholesome surroundings with a reservoir of spiritual wealth, and times when he feels like Joseph, finding himself in Egypt, a “depraved land,” symbolizing spiritual hardship.

Yet one thing is certain, if he follows the path laid out by Isaac and Joseph, he is bound to succeed.

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