
Never Too Many Blessings

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Never Too Many Blessings

The very first command of the Torah is: “Be fruitful and multiply.” Rashi explains: You might think that having one child is already being “fruitful,” so Torah adds “and multiply.” And to remove all doubt, the verse continues, “fill the earth and conquer it.”
Peru U'revu, Family Planning, Lubavitcher Rebbe
Never Too Many Blessings
Disc 185, Program 740

Event Date: 6 Tishrei 5741 - September 16, 1980

The very first command of the Torah is: “Be fruitful and multiply.” Rashi explains: You might think that having one child is already being “fruitful,” so Torah adds “and multiply.” And to remove all doubt, the verse continues, “fill the earth and conquer it.”

There is no room to argue that if a family already has many sons and daughters there is no need to have more… Put your trust in G-d, for it is He who provides for every living thing, and He guides every detail of creation with Divine Providence. Even a leaf blowing in the wind is guided by G-d’s Hand – how much more so the life of a child!

This is a command like all other commandments, and, like all Mitzvos, is given to the Jew for his own benefit – including the greatest benefit of all: to become one with the Creator.

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