By the Grace of G‑d
3rd of Sivan, 5724 [May 14, 1964]
Brooklyn, N.Y.

Greeting and Blessing:

I was pleased to receive your letter of April 27th. I was most gratified to read about your personal advancement in matters of Torah and Mitzvos in the daily life, and your efforts to share these good tilings in life, also with others, particularly through cooperation with Rabbi . . .

It is unnecessary to emphasize that true life insofar as a Jew and all his activities are concerned, is a life which is animated by the spirit of the Living Torah, given by the Living G‑d for the Jewish people of whom it is written, "And you who are attached to G‑d your G‑d (through Torah and Mitzvos) are all living this day."

This is a fitting thought at this time, only a few days before the Festival of Mattan Torah.

I send you my prayerful wishes for success in your public and personal activities in the spirit mentioned above, and in a growing measure.

Wishing you also a happy and inspiring Yom Tov of Kabbolas HaTorah,

With blessing,