By the Grace of G‑d
4th of Cheshvan, 5736 [October 9, 1975]
Brooklyn, N. Y.

Greeting and Blessing:

In addition to what we spoke personally before your departure, this is to confirm also in writing the letter which you left for me in the office prior to it. At the same time, I wish to take this opportunity to emphasize to you again the need to make additional efforts in the study of the Torah, both in quantity and quality, the kind of study that leads to action, namely the observance of the Mitzvoth with Hiddur. And there is always room for improvement in all matters of Torah and Mitzvoth, which are infinite, being derived from the Infinite. It is for this reason that our Sages tell us, "Encourage the energetic." For however energetic and meticulous one is in all matters of Torah and Mitzvoth, there is always room for a higher lever

With regard to the various options relating to Parnosso, about which you write, it is difficult to give specific advice from a distance inasmuch as such matters vary and change from time to time and from place to place, and any advice can become outdated before it is received. Therefore, the thing to do is to consult with local friends who are familiar with the local situation and circumstances. And may G‑d, whose benevolent Providence extends to each and every one individually, lead you in the way that is truly good for you.

I will remember you and the others mentioned in your letter in prayer, when visiting the holy resting place of my father-in-law of saintly memory.

May G‑d grant that you should have good news to report in all above.

With blessing,