
It’s a Beautiful World

Farbrengen, 10 Shevat, 5732 • January 26, 1972

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It’s a Beautiful World: Farbrengen, 10 Shevat, 5732 • January 26, 1972

The Previous Rebbe wrote a discourse that served as his last teaching. Its title quotes the verse where G-d says, “I have come to My garden, My abode.” By choosing those powerful words, the Rebbe taught his generation and future generations, that beneath all its outer appearances, this world is G-d’s own garden and dwelling place. No matter how strong the urge to give in to cynicism or despair, no matter how bad things may appear, this teaching shows and empowers us to search out and reveal the essential goodness and G-dliness of the entire creation.
Atzmut (the "essence" of G-d), Cynicism; Skepticism, Shevat 10, Dwelling for G-d in the Physical World, Farbrengen, Lubavitcher Rebbe

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Anonymous brooklyn January 5, 2016

would it be possible to put out a transcript of these sichot? Reply

Pearl Krasnjansky Honolulu, HI January 16, 2008

basi legani 5732 Thank you so very much for posting this and making this available publicly!! What a treat to be able to go on the computer at will and watch the Rebbe speak! May you continue with your good work. Reply

Mark Mizrahi Toronto, CA January 18, 2008

words of wisdom Moving speech that reminds us why he was the Rebbe. G-d bless his soul.
Thank you so much for the posing.

L'chaim! Reply