
Rambam: Issurei Biah, Chapter 12

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Aryeh March 11, 2013

Non Jew Dear Rabbi Gordon, why do you say that a star worshipper is a non jew? What if there is a woman who believes fully in the one true God as defined by the Rambam, but she wasn't born into a Jewish family, is a Jewish man not allowed to have relations with her and/or marry her, and if not why is this so? Also, where are the laws which fully define what a Jew is?

Thank You Reply

A Jew April 6, 2021
in response to Aryeh:

It says in the Rambam that the Rabbi is saying that a Jew can't marry a non-jew. I believe that it's not because discrimination, it's to preserve the Jewish lineage.
Jewish definition goes by the lineage of the mother. Reply

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