
Daily Tidbits

Light for Every Night

Snippets of the Chanukah spirit and joy. Eight doses for the eight nights of Chanukah.

Let There Be Light
1st Night of Chanukah
The reference is not only to physical light as we know it...
The Two Great Lights
2nd Night of Chanukah
The sun is constant; every day the same big fiery ball appears in the sky above us. But the moon is always going through changes.
The Lamp
3rd Night of Chanukah
In defiling the sacred oil of the menorah, the Greeks tried to destroy the Jewish soul...
Lighting the Dark
4th Night of Chanukah
Shabbat candles are lit before dark, inside our home. By contrast, Chanukah's candles have to light into the darkness of the night...
Increasing the Light
5th Night of Chanukah
Like the Chanukah candles, we are meant to add light every day
Miracles For Today
6th Night of Chanukah
The lights of the Chanukah menorah are more than simply a reminder of ancient miracles...
Spreading the Light
7th Night of Chanukah
Day means light. Our task is to spread light, to illuminate the world
The Infinite Light
8th Night of Chanukah
The seven-lamp Menorah illuminated the natural world, but Chanukah goes even beyond...
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