By the Grace of G‑d
Rosh Chodesh Elul1
Brooklyn, N.Y.

Prof. Zeev Greene
1601 Spring Valley Rd.
Golden Valley, Minn. 55422

Greetings and Blessing:

It was a pleasure to see you recently with your family.

Pursuant to our conversation and my question if you had any connections with NASA, I do not have in mind about a position with that agency, but rather if there was any possibility of your exercising your good influence there in regard to spreading Yiddishkeit.

What prompted me to ask this question was the fact that I had recently received the book Challenge—Torah Views on Science and Its Problems, edited by Aryeh Carmell and Cyril Domb (published by Feldheim).

I was certain that I would find in this book an essay by you, but I was disappointed.

Needless to say—and it is a well known principle—that it is no use crying over the past. If I mention my said disappointment, it is not to make you feel uncomfortable, but to call your attention to the fact that since there will no doubt be a further book of this kind, it would be well for you to maintain contact with the persons or circles that are connected with it so that you would have advance notice to be able to participate.

Furthermore, I am not thinking in terms of the distant future, but also of the shorter term, and the sooner the better. For, if you will look through this volume, you will no doubt find something to say to the editors, especially as among the contributors you will probably find some whom you know personally.

I mention NASA, etc., because Yiddishkeit should be brought to each and every Jew, particularly in the current year of Torah Chinuch, when everyone is urged to do the utmost to bring the Torah and Mitzvoth to all Jews, young and old, including those who are advanced in years but still young in the knowledge and experience of Yiddishkeit.

All the more so since space technology, and the space flights, including the latest Viking probes on Mars, have made a profound impression upon wide circles of Jews, being also constantly bombarded by the media with the visual effects of photographs, etc. Consequently, if all this can be used in the right direction, by finding and pointing out those aspects which may have a bearing on Torah and Mitzvoth, the psychological effect in promoting the actual observance of Mitzvoth in the daily life could be tremendous. This would be well in keeping with the directive “Chanoch lenaar al pi darko, gam ki yazkin lo yasur minenah.”2

Inasmuch as you have had so much experience and Hatzlocho with various circles of Jewish youth, there is no need to elaborate to you on the above.

May G‑d bestow His blessings on you and yours in a most generous measure, especially that you and your wife should bring up each and all of your children to a life of Torah, Chuppah and Good Deeds, in good health and happy circumstances.

Wishing you and all yours Kesivo vaChasimo Tovo,

With blessing, /signature