Videos About Rebbetzin Chana Schneerson
Video | 9:33
A Short Biography of the Mother of the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson
A look at the remarkable and heroic life of the mother of the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of righteous memory.
Video | 8:55
Farbrengen, 6 Tishrei, 5742 • October 4, 1981
After the passing of his mother, Rebbetzin Chana Schneerson, in 1964, the Rebbe began holding a farbrengen, chassidic gathering and public address, on the date of her yahrzeit. This gathering would be dedicated to her legacy, and to the mission of the Jewish woman.
Video | 7:00
The Rebbe recalls his mother's activities during World War I.
Video | 3:55
11 Nissan, 1963 • 20 Av, 1964
Rabbi Shmuel Lew discovers a Farbrengen of elder Chassidim with the Rebbe’s mother, Rebbetzin Chana Schneerson.
Video | 4:12
Rabbi Leibel Raskin shares several heartwarming anecdotes from his family’s interactions with the Rebbe’s mother, Rebbetzin Chana Schneerson, of blessed memory.
Video | 18:53
Commemorating the Yahrtzeit of the Rebbe’s Mother
Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky shares his personal memories of Rebbetzin Chana (the Rebbe’s mother) in honor of the 6th of Tishrei marking her yahrtzeit.
Video | 23:45
Rabbi Shmuel Lew shares his personal memories of Rebbetzin Chana (the Rebbe’s mother) in a webcast on the 6th of Tishrei marking her yahrtzeit.
Video | 1:19:40
A 1981 feed of a gathering in honor of Rebbetzin Chana's yahrtzeit
Footage from the Rebbe’s 1981 gathering (Tishrei 6, 5742) commemorating the yahrtzeit (anniversary of passing) of Rebbetzen Chana Schneerson, the Rebbe’s mother.
Video | 7:29
From the Rebbe's Address in 1966 (5727)
“Seek G-d when he is found, call Him when He is near.” Our sages teach that this verse refers to the Ten Days Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, when our repentance is especially effective and accepted immediately by G-d.
Video | 7:49
From the Rebbe's Address in 1970 (5731)
When it comes to Jewish education, some parents ask, “What’s the rush? When our child learns right from wrong, and matures a little, then we’ll teach him about his heritage. It can wait until he is at least able to understand that he is part of the chosen people, and different to others.”
Video | 6:49
From the Rebbe's Address in 1970 (5731)
The Torah relates the story of how Chana persevered in her prayers and was finally granted a son. But more than just a biblical tale, it’s a lesson for us in our responsibility to the future generations.
Video | 6:32
From the Rebbe's Address in 1972 (5733)
It is imperative that in every Jewish community a library be established – a place where books of Torah can be found — simple books for those with a basic knowledge of Judaism, as well as deeper ones for those at an advanced level of Torah study.
Video | 5:49
From the Rebbe's Address in 1977 (5733)
Reshis Chochmah quotes Rabbi Moshe Cordovero, and the opinion of Rabbi Yonah of Gerona, that the days between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur are like the intermediate days of a festival.
Video | 6:31
From the Rebbe's Address in 1972 (5733)
The first ten days of the year, beginning with Rosh Hashanah and ending with Yom Kippur,
are called "the Ten Days of Repentance." But the commentaries liken the seven days between
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur to Chol Hamoed - as if they were intermediate days of a
joyous Festival. How can these days of awe be joyful days at the same time?
Video | 7:05
From the Rebbe's Address in 1974 (5735)
The Talmud relates that Miriam bas Bilga abandoned Judaism, married a gentile Greek
officer and accompanied the Greeks as they stormed the Holy Temple. She then went and
pounded the Holy Altar with her sandal, crying out: “Wolf, wolf! You consume the Jewish
People’s wealth, but you don't answer them in their time of need!” For this latter deed, the
Sages punished her entire family.
Video | 7:38
From the Rebbe's Address in 1975 (5736)
A girl spoke in a non-religious school in Israel about the Mitzvah of Shabbos candles. She taught them the blessings, and gave them candles and candlesticks to take home.
Video | 6:43
From the Rebbe's Address in 1980 (5741)
Sarah, the first Jewish mother, is a shining example of the great power that every woman has over her family and our entire nation. It was Sarah who insisted that Isaac, not Ishmael, continue Abraham’s progeny. It was she who raised Isaac in his formative years, instilling within him the fortitude to stand up to all tests, and to become the second Patriarch of the Jewish People.
Video | 6:19
From the Rebbe's Address in 1980 (5741)
The very first command of the Torah is: “Be fruitful and multiply.” Rashi explains: You might
think that having one child is already being “fruitful,” so Torah adds “and multiply.” And to
remove all doubt, the verse continues, “fill the earth and conquer it.”
Video | 5:47
From the Rebbe's Address in 1980 (5741)
Our Forefather Isaac never stepped foot outside the Land of Israel. His life was spent in the
Land where all G-d’s blessings converge and radiate to the rest of the world.
Joseph, on the other hand, faced material and spiritual challenges in Egypt. But despite all
odds, he became ruler of the empire.
The life of every Jew reflects both the life of Isaac and the life of Joseph.
Video | 7:41
From the Rebbe's Address in 1980 (5741)
The lives and challenges of our forefather Isaac and his grandson Joseph were very different. Isaac lived out his entire life in the Land of Israel amidst physical prosperity. Joseph spent most of his life in Egypt where he was sold into slavery and ultimately became a powerful ruler.
Video | 7:26
From the Rebbe's Address in 1981 (5742)
Teshuva requires that a person make an honest assessment of his spiritual standing. To do this, it would seem ideal to isolate oneself from all distractions, to focus on one’s past deeds. Why do we see, that on Yom Kippur – the main day for Teshuvah of the whole year – we spend the entire day in a public place, in synagogue, together with so many others?
Video | 6:44
From the Rebbe's Address in 1981 (5742)
Thank you to all who conveyed their good wishes for the New Year. May G-d’s promise be
fulfilled: "I will bless those who bless you."
It is difficult to answer individual questions during these months of Elul and Tishrei. But when
a person truly connects with his inner Divine Soul, G-d illuminates his mind and heart with
the wisdom to make the right decision.
Video | 6:38
From the Rebbe's Address in 1981 (5742)
Our Sages extol the virtue of “Teshuva and good deeds.” But why do they praise the path of repentance before the path of purity? Shouldn’t repentance for misdeeds be enumerated after we speak of doing good deeds?
Video | 9:35
From the Rebbe's Address in 1981 (5742)
“Fill the world and conquer it.” This commandment is directed to every Jew: Do not think that only when you’re in the synagogue or Yeshiva are you on a mission from G-d, to study Torah and fulfill Mitzvos...
Video | 7:31
From the Rebbe's Address in 1981 (5742)
During the days between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, known as the ten days of repentance, every individual has the power of a minyan, a quorum of ten: That which at any other time of year requires the combined effort of ten, can be achieved by the individual during these ten days.
Video | 6:52
From the Rebbe's Address in 1982 (5743)
Every Jew, regardless of his background or situation, is “truly a part of G-d above,” for “we all share one Father.” But differences of opinion and outward appearances may sometimes obscure this unity. Therefore, we are commanded to “love your fellow” specifically, “as yourself,” bringing this unity to the fore.
Video | 8:29
From the Rebbe's Address in 1982 (5743)
At the very beginning of Yom Kippur, before Kol Nidrei, we declare: “With the sanction of the
Omnipresent, and with the sanction of the congregation, by authority of the Heavenly Court, and by authority of the earthly court, we hereby grant permission to pray with those who have transgressed.” All agree that on this day, there are no differences between Jews; they all stand united as one in the presence of G-d.
Video | 7:24
From the Rebbe's Address in 1982 (5743)
G-d depends on each and every individual to carry out Torah’s mandate. To be entrusted with this mission by G-d Himself, should fill a person with the greatest sense of worth and joy. But what if this responsibility makes him feel more overwhelmed than overjoyed?
Video | 8:17
From the Rebbe's Address in 1982 (5743)
The unity of all Jews derives from the fact that every Jewish soul is “an actual part of G-d Above.” Therefore, “Jewish unity” is not limited to Jews who are alive, but includes those who have passed on, as well.
Video | 7:20
From the Rebbe's Address in 1983 (5744)
The solar year is longer than the lunar year. The seasons are determined by the movement of the sun. But the Jewish people set their months and festivals by the moon. Every few years, we add a thirteenth month to synchronize the two cycles.
Video | 7:25
From the Rebbe's Address in 1983 (5744)
Proper education means giving our children a delicate balance. They must know Torah’s unwavering fundamentals, which are, “our life and length of our days“ – principles which cannot change, regardless of the circumstances. At the same time, however, the child is told to continually grow, and be innovative in his life’s mission. Just as his body constantly grows, so must his soul grow, every single day.
Video | 7:45
From the Rebbe's Address in 1983 (5744)
Isolationism is not a moral or sustainable path for the United States.
A civilized nation must be built upon solid moral foundations. This means that no matter what the immediate situation may be, the country stands by its principles, even if it appears that compromising on principles could bring material gain.
Video | 6:55
From the Rebbe's Address in 1984 (5745)
Torah and Mitzvos are the foundations of every Jewish household. The three most fundamental Mitzvos of Jewish family life – Family Purity, Kosher food preparation, and Shabbos and Festival candles, were given especially to the Jewish woman, as it is she who is the solid pillar of the home.
Video | 8:02
From the Rebbe's Address in 1984 (5745)
Jewish women are entrusted by G-d to ensure the continuity of the Jewish people. Despite the pains and hardships involved in pregnancy, labor, birth and child rearing, they have always fulfilled this essential role with joy and a deep sense of mission.
Video | 7:18
From the Rebbe's Address in 1984 (5745)
Torah establishes that a child’s People is traced through the mother – who carries and nourishes the growing baby, and who devotedly struggles through the pains of pregnancy, labor and childbirth.
There are those who wish to steal the child from its mother, by “voting” that a child can belong to the father’s People instead. All women should object to such a possibility.
Video | 7:15
From the Rebbe's Address in 1986 (5747)
The prophet Isaiah declares: “Seek G‑d when He can be found, call to Him when He is near.” The Talmud explains: “This refers to the Ten Days of Repentance between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.”
Video | 5:42
From the Rebbe's Address in 1987 (5748)
When the Temple stood in Jerusalem, every seven years all Jewish men women and children would ascend the Temple Mount to hear the king of Israel read the Torah in fulfillment of the verse, “Assemble the people, men, women, and children… in order that they learn to fear G-d and do all the words of his Torah.”
Video | 5:25
From the Rebbe's Address in 1989 (5750)
The Rebbe’s father, Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneerson, was the Chief Rabbi of Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, at a time when Jewish leaders were persecuted for preserving Judaism. Rabbi Levi Yitzchak, however, was defiant; publicly declaring that he would not be coerced into submission.
Video | 2:30
Reb Hirshel Chitrik used to visit the Rebbe’s mother, Rebbetzin Chana, after she moved to
New York. On one occasion, Rebbetzin Chana let Reb Hirshel in on a little family secret (early 1960s).
Video | 1:30
7 Tishrei, 5725 • September 13, 1964
The funeral of Rebbetzin Chana Schneerson, the Rebbe’s mother.
Video | 2:44
6 Tishrei, 5750 · October 5, 1989
On the 25th Yahrtzeit of his mother, Rebbetzin Chana Schneerson, of righteous memory, the
Rebbe leads the prayers, addresses the Chassidim, and distributes a gift for the New Year.
Video | 5:07
In 1960, Rabbi Yosef Wineberg began to deliver Tanya lessons over the radio in New York. The
Rebbe's mother, Rebbetzin Chana Schneerson, was fond of his broadcasts. When she passed
away in 1964, he asked the Rebbe for permission to honor her memory in a special way...
Video | 6:31
Rabbi Shlomo Zarchi shares some recollections of 770, where he was a student in the mid- 1960s. He recalls the Rebbe’s mother’s passing in 1965, as well as one particular morning prayer that became seared into his memory.
Video | 4:45
After spending a month at his ill father’s bedside, Dr. Stuart Ditchek had the unique privilege of meeting privately with the Rebbe. The Rebbe brought to light a common connection the two of them shared, and gave him an open invitation to visit. (1986)
Video | 0:50
Thank you for the picture of my mother, Rebbetzin Chana. May you have good tidings. (collage)
Video | 2:04
Dnepropetrovsk, 1909
In 1909, Rabbi Levi Yitzchak, Rebbetzin Chana and their three sons moved to Dnepropetrovsk, a huge military city 520 kilometers from Kiev, where Rabbi Levi Yitzchok became the rabbi of the city’s 25 synagogues and 50,000 Jews.
He turned to Rabbi Zalman Vilenkin, asking him to teach his sons.
Chana Shapiro is Rabbi Vilenkin’s daughter, recalling her parents’ descriptions of the children in their home.