
How Honey Is Made

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How Honey Is Made

Let’s take a close look at honey, the sweet side of nature. What is it, and from where do we get it?
Honey, Food; Eating

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bracha schwarzt chicago il July 15, 2019

i never knew that! my kids will be thrilled to watch this! I'm on my way to show them. Reply

Adonai's Anointed Pittsburgh October 3, 2016

Educating as well as entertaining. Toda Reply

ruth housman marshfield hills, ma October 21, 2012

Days of Milk and Honey This particular article suddenly opened on my computer, so in following the River, in thinking about honey, it feels like a very sticky thing, and what ultimately sticks, is just this, a sweetness that is beautiful, and golden, and about those striped buzzing bees, who keep the world alight with flowers, as they do pollinate.

We are about to enter another kind of poll, and I hope we vote for those who feel more about the honey than, others. Look carefully to the words spoken and to track records.

Let's hope the world is less apolling and more about the honey, as we move into the future, here, and around the world.

I know like polls, like parrots, I keep being iterative, about peace, justice, sunshine. But it's really what keeps us, afloat. The "be's, as in how we are, with each other. To B or not to B, and I am so aware of Bet, a Hebrew letter, that is for home, and contains as it does, our English word "be", and I am betting, something good's got to come, our way! Reply

ruth housman marshfield hills, ma October 18, 2012

Making Honey perhaps another profound metaphor involves us, as in those who speak words of support, encouragement, and love, DO, make honey! Reply

pranay banglore, karnataka,India October 18, 2012

how we get honey good Reply

ruth housman marshfield hills, ma October 5, 2011

the Buzz on Bees & other insects Thank you for educating me about the cruel abuse of bees around the world. Here I know of efforts to understand their declining numbers and I am familiar with the local beekeepers who raise the honey we buy often at the Marshfield General Store. I know many who love bees, who do this for the joy of this, the hobby and education. And I do believe it's all right to take a small share of the honey, but not to rob them of their lives, because we deeply need them, and they are the pollinators of our flowers, who bring joy to the garden.

I was listening to Sinead O'Connor when this came in, Nothing Compares 2U and this is how I feel sometimes, overwhelmed with something far far greater than myself that has created this amazing universe. All love songs can be taken, to another level.

Thank You for the love you so clearly express for the bees, for the insects who do sustain our lives in so many ways. I mourned the destruction of a civilization, of termites once. Their cities were awesome! Reply

Rafael Ibiza, Spain October 4, 2011

What have the bees done to us? Humans take all they can from bees: honey (the only food available to worker bees), wax, propolis, royal jelly (the food for larvae and the queen bee) and even their poison. Some people tend to think that because these “products” are not taken at the expense of the bees’ death and we often see the bees happily humming around, bees are “free”.

However, few people know these insects are treated exactly in the same brutal manner as any other farm animal. They are subject to inspections and handling, artificial feeding (synthetic pollen and white sugar, both lacking the essential dietary minerals and vitamins, resulting in the eventual malnutrition and disease of the bees), treatment with drugs, pesticides, genetic engineering, artificial insemination of the queen (with sperm obtained from the drones by hacking off their heads); furthermore, the queen is killed (“renewed”) every two years, her wings are cut off to avoid natural reproduction, she is treated with artificial pheromones. Reply

ruth housman marshfield hills, ma October 4, 2011

The life of flowers I think anyone who reveres bees, and I do, will be careful to leave them enough honey, more than enough, for their livelihood, for their lives. I agree we need to think about how much to take, and when. Lately bees have been dying, a source of ongoing concern. It's an alarm because our flowers and our crops need bees to pollinate them, and the kiss of a bee at the mouth of the flower is just that, perhaps a metaphor for us all, because it IS about the birds and the bees. I see that G_d's in the wings.

To examine the life of a bee, is to learn something deep about us all, because there are profound metaphors that connect to their organization, their communication, and our lives.

It's not random that bee and be are aurally synonymous, nor the importance, the vast importance of "them" to us.

The life of the Garden is about Gan Eden too, and as in Kosinski's book, Being There and the movie we learn deep truths from the garden, and perhaps this, the Source.

Water your gardens. Reply

Rafael Ibiza, Spain September 22, 2011

Honey is for bees Honey (as the video shows) is food FOR THE BEES. Please leave them alone to enjoy the life the Creator gave them. Stop robbing them of the fruit of their hard work. How would you like to work and work and work providing food and life for your family and then be robbed again again and again of it all?

Think about it. And act. Honey is for the bees. Let THEM enjoy it! Reply

ruth housman marshfield hills, ma September 21, 2011

How Honey is Made One comment for the New Year connected with this title, and I think everyone would agree with this: we make the honey by being tolerant of each other, by taking time to compliment each other, by supporting each other, by teaching our children ethical principles, by taking time for a sweet word of thanks, by never being too busy to appreciate each other.

Tikkun is the way to make honey. As life itself is bittersweet we can, by the alchemy of how we are with each other, turn the bitter toward the sweet, and make of life's sorrows, a certain alchemy through loving.

We can enter the New Year conscious of our differences but willing to shake hands and find middle ground with each other, and to listen to the still small voices, that speak Shalom, that might be shy, or afraid to speak out, to welcome them, too. Because humility too, is the key. We need to open the doors wide to each other, because we all have something to teach. We're made that way/ Reply

ruth housman marshfield hills, ma September 21, 2011

The saga of the Honey Bee I loved this, and wish there were more such videos. When I was a child I loved Maurice Maeterlinck's book called The Children's Life of the Bee, and when I grew up I searched my family home to find this old, beloved copy. I think his name is relevant, as I am doing something with names, and Master Link comes to mind. Why? Because these stories of the birds and the bees have deep relevance to our lives, as you have pointed out in this very sweet video.

Shana Tova! Reply

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