Hooray! Strange Cows!

I had a whole page and a half long blog about this, but I realized that it was really unnecessary. I think we (or at least I) can get kind of spoiled by the nearly vast library of Jewish wisdom, and forget that we (i) don’t always have to flip through piles of books to get something new and exciting from the Torah portion.

It was my editor who reminded me this week of the verse quoted at the end of the cartoon, and how eye opening it is. : “And they went inside them, but it was not known that they had gone inside of them, for their appearance was as ugly as in the beginning. And I Awoke.” Just the idea of the good, productive times being completely and utterly erased by the negative, destructive moments, and how disturbing it can be when we isolate one experience from the next. Enough that it made Pharaoh wake up, and although he didn’t know how to change it, he knew he had to ask for help.

And what was Joseph’s answer? "Not I; God will give an answer [that will bring] peace to Pharaoh."

Alternatively, this was just a crazy cartoon about talking cows. Moo.