So, what I liked about the wheel quote is that it just put things in perspective. It didn't say that we don't have moments that are better or worse than others, it just says that there's a cycle, and maybe that perspective can help soften the blow. Or, maybe we can just relate to those dudes going through the cycle over an over again and still getting surprised each time.

But the really cool thing about the watering wheel analogy is something kind of subtle: The whole point of a watering wheel is to collect water from the river or whatever, and put it somewhere else where it can be used by people. So, if the buckets never get filled up, we never get the water out of the river. But if the buckets never empty, the water never gets distributed. And the buckets become useless.

So what is that purpose that our potentially frustrating cycle of wealth and poverty is serving? I tried to ask some economy experts what that means in economic terms, but I couldn't follow the answer. But honestly I’m not sure the answer will be the same for everybody. I'd love to hear your reactions...