
A Work in Progress

"Studying the dimensions of the Holy Temple is like building it"

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A Work in Progress: "Studying the dimensions of the Holy Temple is like building it"

The Midrash relates that at the beginning of the Babylonian exile, seventy years before the Jews’ return to Jerusalem, G-d instructed Ezekiel to teach them the dimensions of the Holy Temple, because when they engage in its study, G-d considers it as though they built it.
Tisha B’Av, Holy Temple, Three Weeks, Lubavitcher Rebbe

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Rochel Chein for chabad.org August 17, 2014

Women Goldie, the Rebbe was a great advocate of women's involvement in Torah study and Judaism, and he strongly encouraged women to constantly grow in their personal observance as well as teach and share their Jewish knowledge with others. I encourage you to explore some of the Rebbe's teachings on this subject in our women's section at www.theJewishWoman.org. During the Rebbe's addresses, as in this video, many women were in attendance in the balconies surrounding the main synagogue, and there were also addresses specifically for women. Reply

Anonymous July 30, 2014

The only reason you feel that way is because you have been conditioned to react that way Reply

Goldie Wetcher July 29, 2014

B I am reading the current book "Rebbe" so I am pleased to actually see and hear him in this video. As I observed the audience and listened to his words, it appeared that he specifically excluded women. I understand that in Chabad women are excluded from counting in the minyan or being called to the Torah. From my reading I see that the Rebbe was a great advocate of human rights and equality. While I admire and appreciate the Rebbe even more as I read his excellent biography and observe the work of Chabad, I
personally feel alienated by these specific practices. Reply

Avigayil Chana Boston July 30, 2020
in response to Goldie Wetcher:

Hi Goldie. I understand what you're saying 100%. Maybe a million %. But with additional study (and, honestly, with a lot of tears) I learned more. I learned that as women we have our own role, a % of which overlaps with the men's role, but not all of it. While men are doing holy things, lots of rituals and often more Torah study, women are busy doing more material-based things, and converting them to holiness. Now, I understand that this may sound like I'm talking down to you, but I am not. If you learn the short but deep booklet (and I think it's online as well) called Basi l'Gani, you will learn the reason that God created the universe, and then you can compare the male and female roles -- and you will clearly see that there are MANY superior qualities to the women's role. It just takes time to learn, because it is complex. Maybe check out Basi l'Gani? Please don't give up on the Rebbe. He is the greatest feminist I have ever found. God bless! Reply

Tovah Israel July 2, 2021
in response to Goldie Wetcher:

Dearest Goldie,
Hashem’s essence, His creation (of which we are a part), and the interaction between it and humans, is incomprehensible. Had He not chosen to reveal it to us, commanding us then to pursue His wisdom (Mishle, Proverbs), we could never experience its reality. Against this vastness, it worries you to not not be seen sitting directly among the men, and to not be publicly called up to the Torah? This is your measure of equality?
Why not, instead, focus on becoming truly spiritually great? All G-d-fearing people are called to work and to guard His creation, and to know HaShem, and to be His servants—as was Moshe. If you insist that you must be allowed to “be just like the men”, then your focus is not on Hashem and His work. To measure your ‘freedom’ and equality by such things as being called to the Torah is short sighted and inaccurate. Instead, master the Torah and the corpus of holy writings, and demonstrate its wisdom in daily affairs and constant prayer. Reply

Jesse California July 29, 2014

Great video! Wow that is a great speech. This is the first time I have actually wished I could have been at many of the Rebbe's religious speeches. I think it could be great if Israel built the temple in this generation. Reply

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