Eicha in Depth
Study the Book of Lamentations

Eicha in Depth, Part 8
This class on Megillat Eicha focuses on verse 10 of the first chapter. As the destroyers entered the Holy Temple to plunder its gold and silver, they were joined by a strange accomplice who brazenly laid a hand on our greatest treasure of all, and, in a singular act of desecration, cast us to the lowest level of despair. In studying this tragic verse, you’ll discover how it provides us encouraging insight into what's really important in life – and how to best contend with the challenging realities we face today.

Eicha in Depth, Part 9
Megillat Eicha begins in verse 11: “All her people are sighing...” as the prophet laments the dreadful starvation that gripped the nation. Utterly consumed with hunger they exchanged handfuls of gold for tiny morsels of bread. Blinded by their insatiable quest for physical subsistence they lost sight of life’s meaning and purpose altogether. In studying this verse, you’ll also discover the non-literal modern alter-ego of this condition, and how this mournful prophesy actually provides insight, encouragement and inspiration to help us refocus our lives today.

Eicha in Depth, Part 10
In this class we listen to Jerusalem pour her heart out to proverbial passersby in emotional distress, bitterly lamenting her misfortune and destruction. The in-depth analyses of this verse reveals how this poetic prophecy provide insight, encouragement and inspiration to help us deal with our own painful realities, as well as appreciate the highs, lows and unique travails of our collective Jewish experience! (Lamentations 1:12)

Eicha in Depth, Part 11
This class focuses on the verse (Eicha, 1:13) “From on High He sent a Fire...” Our sages understood this to mean literally: G-d Himself actually rained down fire to burn the Beit HaMikdash so the heathens could not boast that they destroyed it themselves! From beneath G-d metaphorically spreads out an ensnaring trap as Jerusalem hurling us back into our exile of desolation and dysfunction whose expiration date seems to have come and gone without redemptive transformation. This all sounds most unusual; yet its message may well surprise inspire you.

Eicha in Depth, Part 12
This class studies the verse (Eicha 1:14) in which Jeremiah's warnings about the devastation that would visit the Jewish people reveals a profoundly orchestrated choreography woven into the timing and magnitude of G-d's punishment. The steady snowballing effect of sin will invariably accumulate until a cascade of catastrophic consequences chokes us; yet the destruction is never complete and we always rise from the ashes.

Eicha in Depth, Part 13
Jeremiah mournfully bewails the crushing of heroic defenders, leaving the innocent maidens defenceless before the bestial enemy who cruelly violated and murdered them by the thousands. The verbiage mysteriously hints at a festive-like appointed time – the clarification of which opens profound new dimensions that would otherwise remain hidden beneath the surface (Megillat Eicha 1:15).

Eicha in Depth, Part 14
Verse 16 presents Jerusalem crying bitterly over the savage suffering and brutal, bloody destruction of her children. Endless tears are shed for a vanished reality, as she mourns an enchanted spiritual world that so vibrantly pulsated with holiness, love and loyalty; and the limp, pale and colourless exilic generation that replaced it. With redemptive comfort and consolation seemingly so distant, her yearning for glorious restoration intensifies. This remarkable class will change your perspective on destruction, exile and the redemption we await!

Eicha in Depth, Part 15
Studying Eicha verse 1:17. Zion; crying in pain and weeping incessantly, wrings her hands and desperately reaches out seeking sympathy, comfort and consolation, but no one responds! Her enemies follow her into exile; encircled and taunted she is outcast and disgraced. This class poignantly illustrates how this tragic poetry is textbook description of our Exilic Experience.

Eicha in Depth, Part 16
Eicha: 1:18, Zion publicly acknowledges spiritual shortcomings, moral failures and rebelliousness. In accepting G-d’s judgment upon herself, she faithfully confesses her guilt in bringing destruction upon herself. Yet in the latter half of the verse, mournful wailing continues. This class addresses the seemingly disparate reflexes expressed in this verse, and in doing so reconciles the implicit tension between maintaining absolute faith while expressing emotional angst of sorrow in the face of tragedy. The notion of “accepting Hashem’s judgement” is presented in the broader sweep of our biblical tradition, and we encounter the tragic end of Judea’s supremely righteous last real monarch.

Eicha in Depth, Part 17
This class elucidates Jeremiah’s heartrending lament. “I called for my lovers, but they deceived me...” As they are led into captivity, the Jewish people experience the bitter taste of betrayal, as her purported allies and friends not only provide no assistance, but in fact stab them in the back. A variety of explanations present various frames of betrayal by false lovers, painfully compounded by the crushing letdown from otherwise genuine leaders. As layers of meaning are peeled back on these prophetic and eternal words, they sadly resonate with timely meaning as the Jews modern day saga continues to unfold and repeat itself with striking similarities to the tragic mistakes of the past.
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