
Tragedy in Jewish Thought

How should we react when faced with tragedy?

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Tragedy in Jewish Thought : How should we react when faced with tragedy?

Looking at various perspectives on the destruction of the 2nd Temple and two central approaches to tragedy. Is it proper to react with grief and mourning? Or can positivity be glimpsed through the darkness?
Descent for the Sake of Ascent, Tisha B’Av, Destruction of Holy Temple, Pain, Suffering & Tragedy, Three Weeks

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1 Comment
Vivian Wise Denver August 12, 2016

Why? I know that you know "Why" all these things have happened in the past and in the future, if not corrected. Deuteronomy 31:17 is one book that explains "why", especially at the last sentence:...'Is it not because our God is not in our midst that these calamities have come upon us?" Is it not Apostasy? I am not being divisive only praying for the complete restoration of the Kingdom of David in Jerusalem, not a Democracy but a Theocracy. Reply