
Lag B’Omer Parade Highlights

The 1983 Children’s Parade with the Rebbe

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Lag B’Omer Parade Highlights: The 1983 Children’s Parade with the Rebbe

Children gather to celebrate the holiday of Lag B’Omer. Excerpts from a 1983 recording of the grand parade with the Rebbe at Lubatvitch World Headquarters, Brooklyn, New York.
Lag BaOmer, Farbrengen, Lag BaOmer Parade, Lubavitcher Rebbe

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JM Bronx, NY May 13, 2020

This was wonderful to watch...amazing how a videotaped event from the 1980s can be just as inspiring in 2020. I wish I had been there! Reply

vivienne leijohufvud NE Atlantic Ireland April 28, 2013

Rebbe 1983 How wonderful to see this marvellous old man with such wisdom and joy and singing! Fabulous, sitting here in my writing room watching the parade, at 17.00 28th April. Now I know where every one else gets their parades from.

Shalom Goldie Reply

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