
Rambam: Kiddush HaChodesh, Chapter 14

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Anonymous September 29, 2020

I don't understand why (in the end of the perek) we would minus any chalakim when it is the winter- if until that time (that many chalakim) it would not be the molad yet (the moon would be to close to the sun)? Reply

Yehuda Shurpin for Chabad.org October 12, 2020
in response to Anonymous:

See our online text of the Mishneh Torah with notes. Specifically, Hilchot Kiddush Hachodesh/w.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/947932/ Ch. 14:5 notes 15 & 16. Reply

Hadassah M. Aber North Miami Beach June 24, 2015

orbit of sun This question is for Rabbi Lipskar. I am following your explanations of the cycles, the math of the geometry even though I could not do the actual calculations. They make sense and fit together. My question is if the constellations are relatively fixed in the sky and the sun is moving through them in a course of a year, that would seem that it is setting in the east or south? From visual evidence without using the stars as a guide the sun's orbit seems to be from the direct east on the Equinox time to the NE on summer solstice and SE on winter solstice. which part of the circuit is moving through each of the constellations? Reply

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