
Is it Proper to Seek Tranquility?

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Is it Proper to Seek Tranquility?

In his commentary on Genesis 37:2, Rashi says that "Jacob dwelt" can also mean that "Jacob sought to dwell in tranquility." Is seeking tranquility and happiness an inherently valuable pursuit? Is it okay to ask G-d to help us accomplish our mission free from distractions? From Likutei Sichos, vol. 30, pp.176-183.
Peace, Joy; Happiness, Moshiach and the Future Redemption, Jacob, Struggle, Challenge & Adversity, World To Come, Vayeishev

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1 Comment
S UK December 6, 2023

King David, in tehillim, asks for tranquillity to study Torah, as our days are measured. When we are younger the concept of time passing quickly is distant from our consciousness. When we mature, we are acutely aware the fleeting passage of time and the importance of acquiring a wise heart and mind (Ps 90). Study and deeds are equally important to fulfilling our purpose on earth and part of that purpose includes seeking tranquillity by bringing heaven down to earth.
Thank you, for your excellent presentation. Reply