
Confessing Misdeeds on Yom Kippur

The Mitzvah of Saying Vidui

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Confessing Misdeeds on Yom Kippur: The Mitzvah of Saying Vidui

As part of doing Teshuvah on Yom Kippur, we confess our sins. Rabbi Yaakov Wagner thoroughly explains the viduy prayer based on traditional sources.
Confession of Sins, Yom Kippur, Al Chet

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ariel baltimore October 8, 2017

I need help with teshuvah and vidui. Reply

Eugène FRANK MD Santa Fe NM August 27, 2016

Seeking the quality of forgiveness Please expand on the sense of' chuva': the differentiation of parents, etc., who have commited the sins we continue to inflict on those we love now, so that we must be able to shed ourselves of these sins that were visited on us, but not sourced in our own souls. How do we differentiate the source of these transgressions despite the fact that he family we now interact with, they themselves continue these sins themselves?
The guilt ridden, and guilt instilling, exhortation of the rabbi is quite destructive insofar as no one can be neutral in resolving these conflicts in the face of his holier than thou attitude. Reply

Mary October 6, 2014

Thank you! You made foggy things clear and made my day more meaningful! Reply

katrin Germany September 10, 2013

Thank you Thank you. This was very helpful and shed a lot of light. I wish we could go through every prayer like this. Reply

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