
The Secret of the Colorful Coat

Parshah Curiosities: Vayeishev

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The Secret of the Colorful Coat: Parshah Curiosities: Vayeishev

In the divisive episode of Joseph and his brothers, the Torah highlights time and again the special jacket Joseph receives from his father. A deeper look uncovers how this coat captures the essence of the entire saga.
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Joseph and his Brothers, Joseph, Vayeishev

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1 Comment
Rachel Beldock Stamford, CT December 20, 2018

Dear Rabbi Kaplan,

Your talk on the "colorful coat" is wonderful & fascinating, as always (I have listened to this one twice), but something is troubling me. As you mentioned, the Torah says that Jacob "made" the coat for Joseph. How is this reconciled with the idea that it was made by Hashem, & then passed from Adam, to Noah, to Shem, to Nimrod, to Esau, etc...& finally to Jacob. Thank you so much for sharing your classes with us, I have listened to many of them, & have gained much knowledge & inspiration from all of them. Reply

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