By the Grace of G‑d
18th of Cheshvon, 5724
Brooklyn, N.Y.
[November 5, 1963]
Greeting and Blessing:
This is to acknowledge your letters of Oct. 29th and of the 31st. For the most part, they have been answered already in my previous letter, which I trust you have duly received.
With regard to Rabbi Horowitz’s attitude towards your suggestion1, it is, of course, a pity that he has not seen fit to grab it. But, perhaps he may yet have a change of heart, for, in addition to all the other good reasons, surely this would offer a unique opportunity to strengthen and spread Yiddishkeit in the community.
At any rate, you, on your part, have done everything to persuade him to accept the position, and you need, therefore, have no pangs of conscience on this matter.
With blessing,
M. Schneerson
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