By the Grace of G‑d
13th of Cheshvan, 5724
Brooklyn, N.Y.
[October 31, 1963]
Greeting and Blessing:
I received your letter of October 22nd.
With regard to your question about your trip to Hong Kong, I wrote to you in my previous letter that it is a good idea. Even if, as you write at the conclusion of your letter, there may be a possibility of larger importations from Japan, it does not affect your trip to Hong Kong, especially as Japan is not far away, and you could visit there also, if you find the need for it. As you write that your trip could materialize only in several months’ time, it is possible that by then, prospects as far as Japan is concerned will be clarified.
I was pleased to read about the progress in your communal affairs.
Regarding your question whether it would be right to use some of the money collected for Lubavitch to help the establishment of a Mikvah in the Shul, the answer is as follows:
From the monies already collected for Lubavitch, it would certainly not be right to take any for any other purpose. Similarly, pledges and funds earmarked for London or Eretz Yisroel, also do not come into consideration for any other purpose. As for future collections, the answer would depend on the general feeling in the community, and you should, therefore, consult with one of your local Rabbonim on this matter.
I was sorry to read in your letter about the way Mr… conducts his business. Nevertheless, I trust that, if you can be helpful to him, whether by advice or otherwise, you will surely continue to do so. Indeed I heard it once from my father-in-law of saintly memory, that being that a person who conducts his business in a good and efficient business manner, does not need as much help as the one who does not conduct his business in the most desirable way – the latter has priority.
With blessing,
M. Schneerson
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