
Stories on Prayer

Pray and Play
When a team is made up of individuals who care about one another, it is more powerful than the sum of each one’s individual performance.
Kaddish at a Baseball Game
“Baseball is like poetry,” Dad would say, where innings become rhythms of pace and pause. Father and son, side by side, the diamond before us.
The Cabdriver
In those days there was only one car service in Crown Heights, and it was run by chassidim, a class of people for whom time means nothing.
The Bulkhead
The death of a thousand cuts would have been preferable. I briefly considered crawling, until I realized that everyone would be able to see me anyway.
The Missing Corpse
"Back in Morocco my husband was a taxi driver. Ten days after our marriage he traveled from one city to the next and I never heard from him again. They say he died in a crash, however, they cannot locate his body, only the wrecked car."
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