Dear Friend,
I was in the car the other day listening to a report of a standoff between the police and a person who had barricaded himself in a house with a cache of guns. The incident ended when the fellow shot and injured himself, thankfully before he was able to do anyone harm.
In addition to road closings, traffic snarls and people not being able to get to where they needed to be, one ramification of the standoff was that the local school was closed for the day, and the last day of the school year was postponed.
Here is where my mind began wandering.
One unfortunate individual had an impact on thousands of people’s lives, one that will last for months to come.
If he could affect so many people, just think how much you and I can influence the world by an act of kindness. And imagine how positively the world can be affected by millions of good deeds.
Don’t sit around waiting for the spotlight to find you. Get out, do something good, and you will be the spotlight.
Eliezer Zalmanov,
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