
Atah V’chartanu

29 Elul, 5741 • September 10, 1980

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Atah V’chartanu: 29 Elul, 5741 • September 10, 1980

“You have chosen us from among all the nations; You have loved us and found favor with us. You have raised us above all tongues and made us holy through Your commandments. You, our King, have drawn us near to Your service and proclaimed Your great and holy Name upon us.” From the Festival Prayers. The Rebbe taught this song on Simchas Torah 5721 – 1960.
Lubavitcher Rebbe
Atah V’chartanu
29 Elul, 5741 • September 10, 1980
Disc 10, Program 39

Event Date: 29 Elul 5740 - September 10, 1980
Living Torah

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