
Seeing Beyond the Seeable

September 10, 1980 · Erev Rosh Hashanah, 5741

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Seeing Beyond the Seeable: September 10, 1980 · Erev Rosh Hashanah, 5741

When the protective shield is removed for a split moment, one can glimpse the true reality beneath all the external layers
Lubavitcher Rebbe
Seeing Beyond the Seeable
September 10, 1980 · Erev Rosh Hashanah, 5741
Disc 69, Program 276

Event Date: 29 Elul 5740 - September 10, 1980

G-d shields His Divine light from creation, for if His light were fully revealed, the physical world would cease to exist.

An analogy: An X-ray machine must be covered, because if its rays were to shine forth unbridled, it would all be burnt into oblivion… But when the protective shield is removed for a split moment, then the physical matter is able to continue to exist, and the instantaneous Xray allows you to see inside, underneath the layers of physical matter.

A second analogy: Sunlight benefits the world in all types of ways. But to look directly at it could cause damage… What is the solution? To put on sunglasses. Yet even when one wears the sunglasses he knows that the sun still radiates the most intense light.

If man were to experience G-d’s light unveiled, his soul would expire from sheer yearning, and would cleave to its Maker, leaving the body to the wayside... But G-d’s plan is for the soul to remain in the body, in the “sunglasses” that allow it to remain in physical existence and fulfill all the 613 Mitzvos in this physical world.

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