Turn Up the Light
Erev Rosh Hashanah, 5741 · September 10, 1980
Turn Up the Light: Erev Rosh Hashanah, 5741 · September 10, 1980A Jew’s purpose is to illuminate all the world around him. To “illuminate” does not mean to change the order of creation; rather, light enables one to discern the true nature and purpose of what already is there.
Turn Up the Light
Erev Rosh Hashanah, 5741 · September 10, 1980
Disc 66, Program 261
Event Date: 29 Elul 5740 - September 10, 1980
A Jew’s purpose is to illuminate all the world around him. To “illuminate” does not mean to change the order of creation; rather, light enables one to discern the true nature and purpose of what already is there. The universe was created “ex nihilo,” and so its natural state of being is “nothingness.” But every day, every hour and every moment the universe is continuously created anew through the word of G-d. If the true essence of every created being is G-d’s Divine Utterance, then by its very nature it can —and must —facilitate G-dliness. By illuminating one’s own affairs with faith in G-d, a person finds the fortitude, and the appropriate words, to impart this clarity to other Jews, and to non-Jews as well, until “the Nations will follow your light.” |
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