The Torah – G-d’s Wisdom, for Every Jew
Living Torah
The Torah – G-d’s Wisdom, for Every JewIn ancient Egypt, the study of wisdom was limited to an intellectual elite – the sorcerers and astrologers. Ordinary people had no independent access to wisdom. When the Jews left Egypt, however, G-d commanded them to journey to Sinai and receive the Torah. G-d revealed the Ten Commandments, which included the entire Torah, directly to three million Jewish men, women and children together.
The Torah – G-d’s Wisdom, for Every Jew
Disc 10, Program 39
Event Date: 10 Shevat 5743 - January 24, 1983
In ancient Egypt, the study of wisdom was limited to an intellectual elite – the sorcerers and astrologers. Ordinary people had no independent access to wisdom. When the Jews left Egypt, however, G-d commanded them to journey to Sinai and receive the Torah. G-d revealed the Ten Commandments, which included the entire Torah, directly to three million Jewish men, women and children together. Furthermore, Torah study became a primary Mitzvah even for ordinary people. It is incumbent on every Jew to study Torah every single day, whether he is a great scholar or of smaller intellectual means. Every Jew must meditate into the wisdom of Torah through which he will attain love and awe of G-d. |
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