Unethical Experiments
Unethical ExperimentsThere is a school of thought that in order to bring close “alienated” Jews we must go to them with an abridged and reformed version of Torah. But others have tried this approach before them...
Unethical Experiments
Disc 87, Program 348
There is a school of thought that in order to bring close “alienated” Jews we must go to them with an abridged and reformed version of Torah. But others have tried this approach before them. Perhaps the originators of this philosophy had good intentions, but after only three generations we see the bitter results: no Jewish remnant is left of their descendants… Notwithstanding the fact that we’ve already seen where the compromises lead – that they not only do not bring close those who are far from their heritage, but the very opposite, they drive away those who are close – nevertheless, the evil inclination today is again raising a tumult that this is the way to save Jewish youth. So they try new experiments. And on whom are all these experiments being tried? On living Jewish souls and living Jewish bodies! The entire problem stems from the philosophy that the Jewish people are like all other nations – that Jews must emulate gentile values and lifestyles. “And your camp shall be holy” means that a Jewish home must shine the light of Torah outside to the world! From the Jewish home must come the “light unto the nations” to brighten the world through the Seven Noahide Laws. |
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