
Iron Curtain, World Stage

12 Tammuz, 5737 · June 28, 1977

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Iron Curtain, World Stage: 12 Tammuz, 5737 · June 28, 1977

From the moment G-d took possession of the Jewish People at Sinai, never again can a Jew be enslaved to another’s rule. The Jewish spirit can never be subjugated as it was in Egypt. My father-in-law, the Rebbe declared: "Only our bodies, not our souls, were sent into exile."
Lubavitcher Rebbe
Iron Curtain, World Stage
12 Tammuz, 5737 · June 28, 1977
Disc 48, Program 189

Event Date: 12 Tammuz 5737 - June 28, 1977

From the moment G-d took possession of the Jewish People at Sinai, never again can a Jew be enslaved to another’s rule. The Jewish spirit can never be subjugated as it was in Egypt. My father-in-law, the Rebbe declared: "Only our bodies, not our souls, were sent into exile."

Even the Jews of Russia, who today appear to be in the same predicament, are empowered to transcend their bondage, especially through the support of their Jewish brethren around the world.

All Jews are one body. When one particular organ is ailing, it is possible to heal it even indirectly, by strengthen its surrounding organs and the body as a whole. So too with the Jewish People. When any Jew in any land actively works to disseminate Torah and Mitzvos, this strengthens and empowers every other Jew worldwide, wherever they may be.

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