
Learn Basi LeGani

Explore the chassidic discourse that defines our generation

An Overview of Basi LeGani
Exploring the chassidic discourse that defines our generation
Which garden? Who’s coming to the garden? And why is this arrival in the garden such an important message for our generation?
I Came Into My Garden, 5710 (Chapter 1)
The Classic Maamar, Translated and Unfolded Into Plain English
I Came To My Garden, 5710 (Chapter 5)
A Fresh Rendering of Chapter Five of the Classic Maamar, Basi L'Gani
A fresh, very readable adaptation of chapter five of the classic maamar, Basi LeGani.
The Original Basi LeGani Teachings
An English translation of the last Chassidic discourse written by Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Shneersohn, Yud Shvat 1950, and the first Chassidic discourse delivered by Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, Yud Shvat 1951.
In Praise of Chassidic Folly
A Transcendence of the Mind
Chassidim Discuss Basi LeGani
Farbreng, Episode 1
Basi L’gani, the title of the last Chassidic discourse from the sixth Chabad Rebbe, is customarily studied on the tenth of Shevat, the day of his passing. (From “Messages”—Season 2, Episode 1)
Maamar Basi LeGani (5710)
Chassidic discourse by the 6th Lubavitcher Rebbe
The final discourse written by the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe prior to his passing on the 10th of Shevat 5710 (1950).
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