Vivy was telling the kids at the Hebrew School class about the holiday of Shavuot. "It was on this day that we received the Torah. And the the Torah portion of Bamidbar is always read around the time of this holiday. Bamidbar means 'in the desert,' so we know there is a strong connection between a desert and the Torah, especially because the Torah itself was given in the desert.

"The desert is open land. Nobody owns it. The Torah also does not belong to any one person alone. Every individual has an equal share in G‑d's wisdom.

"And there are more things that we can learn from the connection between the Torah and a desert. Let's think what life is like in a desert."

"It's hot."

"No water."

"Very little food."

"Now, when our forefathers received the Torah in the desert, they had to depend on G‑d for all their needs — for food, water and clothing. But they didn't worry. Instead, they eagerly received the Torah with joy and trust.

"We should learn this lesson from them. Even if we sometimes feel that we need things, we should not worry about them or let our needs disturb us from studying and doing good deeds. We should trust G‑d and rely on Him to provide us with the things we need, just as He did for our ancestors in the desert."