
Guest Columnists

Why Did Rachel Steal Laban’s Idols?
Explore multiple insights into this classic mystery.
9 Facts About Jacob’s Ladder Every Jew Should Know
A pivotal moment in Jacob’s life—discover what this episode represents.
What Does Jacob’s Ladder Symbolize?
A Timeless Metaphor
Jacob’s simple ladder foreshadows the trajectory of human development.
Why Good People Do Good Things
When we move beyond living in a transactional world, when there is no social or self-serving benefit to our actions, we are acting from a feeling of empathy that recognizes our larger sense of connection.
Why Leah Named Her Son Judah
When we understand that everything is a gift, then we escape the trap of an entitlement mentality.
I met them in my car. There were maybe 10,000 or so of them hovering about. Some looked like Walt Disney cartoon angels, others were straight out of store window displays or greeting cards. Some looked like the plaster angels I used to buy in a Mexican market.
Love at First Sight: Five Biblical Examples
In five instances, the Torah describes the phenomenon of love at first sight: in the love of Adam for Eve, of Rebecca for Isaac, of Jacob for Rachel, of David for Abigail, and of David for Bathsheba. These five, in their historical order, are descending examples of how the intensity of love at first sight can be focused into mature, rooted love
The Contributing Factor
Fulfilling Our Potential as Creative Women
A woman must cultivate a relationship with her Creator and use her mind to its fullest capacity. Only then, asserts the Akeidat Yitzchak, can a woman fulfill her second role as Chava, 'mother of all life', a role which crowns the role of isha.
Singing Despite the Blues
Jacob was in a difficult moment in his life. He, himself would have been the first to admit it, but he refused to get depressed or lose hope...
The Strength of Jacob
Does Judaism truly have something to say about every aspect of our life, or are the rabbis who claim to have an opinion on everything simply intrusive and controlling? Should rabbis just stick to teaching Torah?
Why Jews Feel the Need to Nosh
A Lesson From Parshat Vayeitzei
I know what she wants; she wants me to nurse her, she wants me to kiss her and comfort her...It's like her way of "checking in" to make sure that I'm still there and that I love her...
Huff, Puff and Stuff
Jacob, the quintessential scholar, finds a "permanent home" with the birth of Zebulun, the archetypal businessman. Such is the reality in a Divinely ordered universe, where some things refuse to rhyme but everything has a reason
A Lesson From Grandpa Laban
Laban was truly family! Yet, his anti-Semitism was legendary. In other words, attempts to break down the walls between Jews and non-Jews by assimilating and intermarrying will not fix anti-Semitism.
What Do We Do About the Relationship Crisis?
Genuine love not only respects the individuality of the other, but actually seeks to cultivate it. Love, like the act of creation, is the courageous act of creating space for the presence of the other.
Stay in Your Lane!
Every child has his or her own way, their personal journey. The role of an educator is to figure out how to travel alongside children as they discover the world around them.
Love or Children?
The loving relationship and the child-rearing partnership highlight two human aspects that relate to the essence of the connection between a man and a woman.
Is Sibling Rivalry Ever a Healthy Thing?
Envy is a grievous sin. It’s on the top ten list engraved on Moses’s stone tablets. And yet even envy can assume a form that is healthy and holy. (“Parsha Perks” with Dr Michael Chighel | Veyetze)
When Jacob Discovered He Was Israel
An Essay on Vayeitzei
Far from home, Jacob now must struggle to maintain his inner spirituality.
The Answer Is
Living in your imagination is highly seductive. It’s also pointless.
If Jacob saw that Leah was the one with the blessing of children, why did that not command more of his attention?
The Reason Isaac Went Blind
Isaac had attained such a lofty nature that his body was a loyal agent of his soul.
Don’t Get Stuck Like an Elephant!
When someone tells you, “You can’t,” don’t listen to them. Be like Jacob and say, “Who said? Watch me—I will!”
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