

A Chanukah Film

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Miracles: A Chanukah Film

A morning sun rises in fiery splendor; a newborn baby enters the world. We witness miracles everyday and may sometimes take them for granted.
Soviet War on Judaism, Six-Day War, Miracle of Chanukah, Miracles, Chanukah

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Gertrude USA December 22, 2019

What's the name of the tune starting @6:23 ? It's very moving Reply

Anonymous ny December 9, 2019

Where was the miracle when it was most needed-1939-1945?? Reply

Simcha Bart for Chabad.org December 10, 2019
in response to Anonymous:

Many miracles occurred during that time, both to individuals as well as on the world stage. How about the miracle that Nazis did not invade Israel (known then as Palestine), as well as the rest of the Middle East? How about Britain and the US having been miraculously spared the Nazis on their soil? Yet, perhaps the biggest miracle of all is that the thousand-year Reich crumbled after only 12 short years. Reply

Elisheva Lier December 30, 2016

Praise G-d! Praise G-d! Praise G-d! He watches over Israel, His beloved, still today. He does miracles of healing, safeguarding and provision day after day! Thank you for this beautiful reminder! Reply

Yvonne Bilgeri S Africa September 5, 2016

God is always watching over His people, baruch Hashem! Sometimes it seems as though He has forgotten us, but He has sworn through His prophets that even though a mother may forget her own child, He will never forget Israel! Reply

necha gittel uminer palm city fl September 4, 2016

this video is amaziNG anD cool Reply

Anonymous las vegas nevada November 16, 2015

All I have to say is WOW! Reply

Anonymous New York December 10, 2014

This also made me cry Reply

Yvonne Bilgeri South Africa December 8, 2012

miracles Praise our G-d for the wonderful things he has done for us and His deliverance! AMEIN!!! We must never lose hope for one day the Torah will go forth from Jerusalem to the whole world!!!!! Reply

yousef sakaka, Saudi Arabia July 12, 2012

Miracle of Chanukah G-D of Isreal will never abandon his people, through the history he has never forsaken them and never will. let the candles burn bright forever and ever in the memory of the victory over the Syrian and Greek armies. Reply

Jane Klorer Charlton,MA USA via JewishTV iOS November 12, 2023
in response to yousef:

Continue to pray non-stop for Israel 🇮🇱✡️🙏Shalom Reply

Wanda Porter Minneapolis, Minnesota December 19, 2011

Miracles That was heart warming! Yes & amen, miracles truly are all around us. God of Israel is the same yesterday, today and forever. Reply

Anonymous Krabi, Thailand December 18, 2011

Love of G-d G-d always loves us even we are not complete good thank G-d for gave me the chance to return to Him and do a good thing Amen. Reply

Anonymous Los Altos Hillss, California December 2, 2010

Nissim Happy Chanukah Thank you for this incredible video. May we all always be sensitive to the Nissim and Niflaote (miracles and wonders) that G-d gfves us as part of His Creation. Reply

Robert O'Connor Boca Raton, FL December 16, 2009

Gratitude Thanks for sharing this video with me. It serves as a reminder of the oppression of the Jewish people and the faithful strength they demonstrated over history. Reply

Jane Klorer Charlton,MA USA via JewishTV iOS November 12, 2023
in response to Robert O'Connor:

Praying non-stop for Israel There is a march for Israel in Washington DC in 2 days 2023
Think 11-14-2023 Am physically disabled from Lyme Disease treatment ,so cannot attend . 🇮🇱🇺🇸 Reply

Eileen Monkman Selkirk December 15, 2009

Miracles What an incredibly beautiful production!!! I thank God I came upon your site.

Amen Reply

Melissa Fort Kent, ME December 14, 2008

I love this video! May we all recognize the miracles we see. Reply

Anonymous December 14, 2008

Beautiful! I cried through this, but good tears. Reply

Norit January 9, 2008

chabad is a welcoming place It is wonderful how the Chabad shuls welcome all jews no matter how non-religious they are ! !
"gey Gezun" Reply

Anonymous Los Angeles, CA/USA December 24, 2005

Helped me feel connected Celebrating the holidays with my boyfriend's Christian family. This helped me to feel connected and in touch with my roots and traditions. The Jewish people have endured and overcome countless tragedies and challenges. Chanukkah is the perfect time to remember this and to be proud of who we are and what we stand for. We should always work to remember this and impart this to our children and friends so it never dies.
Thanks for the film. It was inspirational and touching. Reply

Marjorie Koplowitz Rehovot, Israel via chabadguatemala.com December 21, 2005

Thank you for a wonderful video. Will share with all my family.

I am fortunate to be able to celebrate Hannukah, here, in the Promised Land.

Jag Sameach to all Reply

Anonymous Canton, NY December 19, 2005

miracles Thank you for reminding me of who I am.
Thank you for welcoming me back to the fold.

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