

Your Questions
Why Do Husbands Open the Ark During Pregnancy?

Is this a recommended custom?
By the Numbers
13 Facts You Should Know About Bithiah

Daughter of King Pharaoh, who defied her father’s harsh decree and rescued a Jewish baby in the Nile.
10 Questions: Take the Book of Exodus Quiz

Test your Exodus knowledge!
100 Years After Genocide, Mongolia’s Jewish Community Is Tiny

This is the story of an antisemitic warlord, a brutal purge, and a tiny pocket of Jewish life in one of the least expected places on earth.
The Burning Bush of Suffering

When there seems to be no fuel left, we remember that we have G‑d, and we burn bright and strong and are not consumed.
The Freeman Files
Beyond Heresy

Thank G‑d for atheists. If not for their scorn, how shallow our god would be!
Mar Ukva's wife said to him: My charity is greater than yours; you give the pauper money, whilst I give him food, which bring him immediate relief
— Talmud, Ketubot 67b
Print Magazine

Jews, since Abraham, saw themselves as servants of a transcendent G-d. But in a New World, servitude and self-discipline didn’t go over so well.

The Rebbe wrote that he had pondered this problem at length: How can we communicate to children today the dedication and responsibility that comes along with being a Jew?

So th...

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Sefer Hamitzvos: Day 35

Sefer Hamitzvos: Day 34

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Sefer Hamitzvos: Day 32

Sefer Hamitzvos: Day 31

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