It would have been better if there was no need for a book such as this, a book on the ethics of Jewish divorce. But there is a need, because there is so much Jewish divorce.
I am grateful to Dr. Robert Litman and his dear wife Niki, who recognized the need and undertook to publish this book. From the out-set they took a personal interest in the book, and the elegant touches of the book reflect their devotion to it.
Irving Osterer was his usual helpful self, with his insightful and artistic advice.
Manny Singer on the computer is a virtuoso, and his contribution to the finalization of the manuscript is significant.
Hymie Reichstein's eagerness to help and expertise with that help have been of immense value.
Blanche Osterer was essential to the project from the outset, with her transcription, and continual vigilant application of the corrections.
My dear wife Naomi lent her critical eye and insightful editorship to the work.
Many people took the trouble to read the book before it went to press, and their comments are shared with the readers. I am grateful to them, and to Lord Jakobovits for writing the foreword.
There may be one author of this book, but there are many who helped make it possible. To all of them, I hereby express my abiding appreciation.
Reuven P. Bulka
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